The PCA only identifies the parties and publishes awards or other information in proceedings under PCA auspices where the parties have so agreed. No information beyond what is set forth on this website will be provided by the PCA.
Pending cases
Inter-State proceedings
The PCA acts as registry in inter-state proceedings , including:
Investor-State arbitrations
The PCA acts as registry in investor-state arbitrations under bilateral or multilateral investment treaties or investment laws, including:
PCA Case No. 2024-51: Indo Gold Pty Limited v. Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2024-48: Zeph Investments Pte. Ltd. v. The Commonwealth of Australia (IV)
PCA Case No. 2024-46: Hashem Mohamed Saleh Al Mehdar Et Al (Saudi Arabia) v The Arab Republic of Egypt
PCA Case No. 2024-44: (1) Mr. Hüseyin Avni Kiper (Germany), (2) Mr. Yusuf Aydemir (Germany) v. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2024-43: Vedanta Resources Limited (United Kingdom) v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2024-23: Zeph Investments Pte. Ltd. v. The Commonwealth of Australia (III)
PCA Case No. 2024-03: OJSC Belaruskali v. The Republic of Lithuania
PCA Case No. 2023-78: Olayan Financing Company (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) v The State of Qatar
PCA Case No. 2023-67: Zeph Investments Pte. Ltd. v. The Commonwealth of Australia (II)
PCA Case No. 2023-66: Amulsar Investor Ventures LLC v Republic of Armenia
PCA Case No. 2023-64: Mrs. Mimoza Ndroqi v. Republic of Albania
PCA Case No. 2023-61: African Asset Finance Company Holdings B.V. (The Netherlands) v. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2023-40: Zeph Investments Pte. Ltd. v. The Commonwealth of Australia
PCA Case No. 2023-39: 1. Menashe Levy (Israel) 2. Tidhar - Excavation and Earth Moving Ltd. (Israel) v. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2023-37: Sea Search-Armada, LLC (USA) v. The Republic of Colombia
PCA Case No. 2023-35: Junefield Gold Investments Limited v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2023-32: Banreal Holding, S.L. (España) c. República Bolivariana de Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2023-23: 1. Santiago Romero Barst, 2. María Auxiliadora Rodríguez v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2023-22: Bacilio Amorrortu (USA) v. The Republic of Peru
PCA Case No. 2023-20: Lynton Trading LTD. (United States of America) v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2023-13: (1) Mr. Dieter Emil Schelling; (2) Ms. Flora Netiwe Schelling; (3) Ras Bamba Hotel Limited; (4) Ras Bamba Sailing Club Limited; and (5) Oyster Camp Limited V. The United Republic of Tanzania
PCA Case No. 2023-11: Mr. Finn Von Würden Petersen v. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania
PCA Case No. 2022-50: Blue Sea Holding LLC and Oceans Group International SA v The Republic of Panama
PCA Case No. 2022-49: Mohammad Reza Khalilpour Bahari (Iran) v. The Republic of Azerbaijan
PCA Case No. 2022-42: Primesouth International Offshore S.A.L. (Lebanon) v. The Republic of Iraq
PCA Case No. 2022-41: R.S.E. Holdings AG (Switzerland) v. Republic of Latvia
PCA Case No. 2022-34: CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd., Telcom Devas Mauritius Limited, and Devas Employees Mauritius Private Limited v. Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2022-13: PCA Case No. 2022-13 - KN Holding LLC & Severgroup LLC v. the French Republic - Affaire CPA N° 2022-13 - KN Holding LLC & Severgroup LLC c. la République française
PCA Case No. 2022-12: Mohammad Reza Dayyani, Abbas Dayyani, Mohammad Hossein Dayyani, Ali Dayyani, Fatemeh Dayyani and Kosar Dayyani v. Republic of Korea
PCA Case No. 2022-08: 1. Stucky Ltd (Switzerland), 2. Bernard Gruppe ZT GmbH (Austria) v. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
PCA Case No. 2022-03: Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Germany) v. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2022-02: (1) María de la Concepción Felipe Velázquez, (2) Daniel Nava Felipe and (3) Maitte Josefina Nava Felipe v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2022-01: Yves Martine Garnier v. The Dominican Republic
PCA Case No. 2021-38: 1. Maxis Communications Berhad 2. Global Communication Services Holdings Limited v. Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2021-35: Liberty Seguros, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. (Spain) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2021-31: Holcim Investments (Spain), S.L. v. the Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2021-30: Mr. Goh Chin Soon (Singapore) v. People's Republic of China
PCA Case No. 2021-26: Windstream Energy LLC (USA) v. The Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2021-05: Zurich Insurance Company Ltd v. Plurinational State of Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2020-53: Mr. Jak Sukyas v. Romania
PCA Case No. 2020-19: Aecon Construction Group Inc. (Canada) v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2020-09: Trasta Energy Limited (United Arab Emirates) v. The State of Libya
PCA Case No. 2020-08: Akgun Insaat Makina Sanayii ve Dis Ticaret Ltd. Sti. (Turkey) v. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2020-07: Nord Stream 2 AG v. The European Union
PCA Case No. 2020-06: Korea Western Power Company Limited (Republic of Korea) v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2019-46: The Renco Group, Inc. v. The Republic of Peru
PCA Case No. 2019-44: Schindler Holding AG (Switzerland) v. Republic of Korea
PCA Case No. 2019-39: Jason Yu Song (United Kingdom) v. People’s Republic of China
PCA Case No. 2018-50: Khaitan Holdings (Mauritius) Limited v. Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2015-21: JSC CB PrivatBank v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2015-07: Aeroport Belbek LLC and Mr. Igor Valerievich Kolomoisky v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2009-23: 1. Chevron Corporation and 2. Texaco Petroleum Company v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2009-04: Bilcon of Delaware et al v. Government of Canada
Other arbitrations
The PCA acts as registry in arbitrations or other proceedings under contracts or other agreements to which one party is a state, state-controlled entity, or intergovernmental organization, including:
Past cases (Partial List)*
The PCA Case Repository contains a full listing of cases commenced since 1996 in respect of which the parties have agreed to publication. In addition, the PCA continues to make information about further public cases since 1902 available on the PCA Case Repository.
PCA Case No. 2023-59: (1) Surivit N.V., and (2) Agro Cooperative Association Wi! Uma Fu Sranan (Suriname) v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
PCA Case No. 2023-38: British Caribbean Bank Limited & Prize Holdings International Limited v. The Government of Belize
PCA Case No. 2023-33: Review Panel established under the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean
PCA Case No. 2023-25: Saboor Chicks Proprietors (Pakistan) v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
PCA Case No. 2022-28: Nahuen Energía S.A. v. Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A.
PCA Case No. 2022-10: Fieldfare Argentina S.R.L. v. Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A.
PCA Case No. 2021-19: Servicios Petroleros Igapó S.A. v. Empresa Pública de Hidrocarburos del Ecuador EP PETROECUADOR
PCA Case No. 2021-04: S.C. PA&CO International S.R.L. (Romania) v. Î.S. “Administrația de Stat a Drumurilor” (Moldova)
PCA Case No. 2021-03: Shaya Ecuador S.A. (formerly Kamana Services S.A.) v. Empresa Pública de Hidrocarburos del Ecuador EP Petroecuador (formerly known as Empresa Pública de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos Petroamazonas EP)
PCA Case No. 2020-56: Raimundo J. Santamarta Devis c. República Bolivariana de Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2020-54: Mr. Edward Sukyas v. Romania
PCA Case No. 2020-47: Consorcio Cementero del Sur S.A., Yura Inversiones Bolivia S.A., Grupo de Inversiones Gloria Bolivia S.A., Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento S.A. c. Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2020-38: Ullum 1 Solar S.A.U. y Ullum 2 Solar S.A.U. v. Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A.
PCA Case No. 2020-37: Jordanian Insurance Company v. UN Organization
PCA Case No. 2020-36: GPIX LLC v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2020-31: Fiambalá Solar S.A. v. Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A.
PCA Case No. 2020-28: Arbitration pursuant to Article 32 of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (The State of Qatar v. The United Arab Emirates)
PCA Case No. 2020-27: Arbitration pursuant to Article 32 of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (The State of Qatar v. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
PCA Case No. 2020-26: Arbitration pursuant to Article 32 of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (The State of Qatar v. The Arab Republic of Egypt)
PCA Case No. 2020-23: SITA Information Networking Computing UK Limited v. Iran Airtours
PCA Case No. 2020-21: Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. The Republic of Mozambique
PCA Case No. 2020-18: Enerlimp S.A. v. Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A.
PCA Case No. 2020-15: 1. Raiffeisenbank International AG (Austria) 2. Raiffeisenbank Austria D.D. (Croatia) v. The Republic of Croatia
PCA Case No. 2020-14: Mota-Engil Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. - Sucursal Paraguay v. República del Paraguay - Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones
PCA Case No. 2020-11: Bacilio Amorrortu (USA) v. The Republic of Peru
PCA Case No. 2020-02: Sharr Beteiligungs GmbH (Germany) v. Privatization Agency of Kosovo
PCA Case No. 2020-01: Azucarera del Guadalfeo S.A. and Joaquín Francisco Martín Montero (Spain) v. Dominican Republic
PCA Case No. 2019-43: IC Power Asia Development Ltd. (Israel) v. Republic of Guatemala
PCA Case No. 2019-40: Leopoldo Castillo Bozo v. Republic of Panama
PCA Case No. 2019-35: S.C. PA&CO International S.R.L. (Romania) v. Î.S. “Administrația de Stat a Drumurilor” (Moldova)
PCA Case No. 2019-26: Panamericana Television S.A. et al v. The Republic of Peru
PCA Case No. 2019-25: Chevron Overseas Finance GmbH v. The Republic of the Philippines
PCA Case No. 2019-24: Khadamat Integrated Solutions Private Limited (India) v. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PCA Case No. 2019-19: Ge Gao, Hongwei Meng, Zihong Meng and Ziheng Meng (China) v. INTERPOL
PCA Case No. 2019-18: Olympic Entertainment Group AS (Estonia) v. Ukraine
PCA Case No. 2019-17: Antonio del Valle Ruiz and others v. The Kingdom of Spain
PCA Case No. 2019-16: 1. NIB, S.A. – National Investment Bank (São Tomé e Príncipe), 2. Superior Investments LLC (E.U.A.), 3. Dr. Paulo Miguel Corte-Real Mirpuri (Portugal) vs. República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe
PCA Case No. 2019-10: PJSC Gazprom v. Ukraine
PCA Case No. 2019-04: A. v. UN Organization
PCA Case No. 2018-56: 1. Alberto Carrizosa Gelzis, 2. Felipe Carrizosa Gelzis, 3. Enrique Carrizosa Gelzis v. The Republic of Colombia
PCA Case No. 2018-55: 1. Mason Capital L.P. (U.S.A.) 2. Mason Management LLC (U.S.A.) v. Republic of Korea
PCA Case No. 2018-54: Tennant Energy, LLC v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2018-51: Elliott Associates, L.P. (U.S.A.) v. Republic of Korea
PCA Case No. 2018-45: Alcor Holdings Ltd. (UAE) v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2018-39: 1. The Estate of Julio Miguel Orlandini-Agreda, 2. Compañía Minera Orlandini Ltda. v. The Plurinational State of Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2018-38: 1. Mr. Gokul Das Binani, 2. Mrs. Madhu Binani (India) v. Republic of North Macedonia
PCA Case No. 2018-37: (1) Professor Christian Doutremepuich (France) (2) Antoine Doutremepuich (France) v. Republic of Mauritius
PCA Case No. 2018-35: Conseil Economique Des Pays Musulmans (Switzerland) v. The State of Kuwait
PCA Case No. 2018-20: Diag Human SE and Mr. Josef Stava v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2018-18: Fynerdale Holdings B.V. (Netherlands) v. Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2018-13: Review Panel established under the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean
PCA Case No. 2018-09: 1. Sunlodges Ltd (BVI), 2. Sunlodges (T) Limited (Tanzania) v. The United Republic of Tanzania
PCA Case No. 2018-06: OOO Manolium Processing v. The Republic of Belarus
PCA Case No. 2017-41: Iberdrola Energía, S.A. (Spain) v. The Republic of Guatemala
PCA Case No. 2017-33: Consutel Group S.P.A. in liquidazione (Italie) c. La République algérienne démocratique et populaire
PCA Case No. 2017-26: ICL Europe Coöperatief U.A. (the Netherlands) v. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2017-25: Bank Melli Iran (Iran) and Bank Saderat Iran (Iran) v. The Kingdom of Bahrain
PCA Case No. 2017-19: Gunvor SA (Switzerland) v. The Government of the Republic of Zambia (Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development)
PCA Case No. 2017-16: NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine (Ukraine) et al. v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2017-07: Mr. Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska (Russian Federation) v. the State of Montenegro
PCA Case No. 2017-04: International Management Group v. European Union, represented by the European Commission
PCA Case No. 2017-03: International Management Group v. European Union, represented by the European Commission
PCA Case No. 2016-39: Glencore Finance (Bermuda) Limited v. Plurinational State of Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2016-36; 2016-37: Bangladesh Accord Arbitrations
PCA Case No. 2016-28: Mr. Mohamed Ismail Reygal (Somalia) v. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
PCA Case No. 2016-23: Gold Pool JV Limited v. The Republic of Kazakhstan
PCA Case No. 2016-21: (1) Mr. Josias Van Zyl (South Africa), (2) The Josias Van Zyl Family Trust (South Africa), (3) The Burmilla Trust (South Africa) v. The Kingdom of Lesotho
PCA Case No. 2016-17: Michael Ballantine and Lisa Ballantine v. Dominican Republic
PCA Case No. 2016-13: Resolute Forest Products Inc. v. The Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2016-11: Albacora, S.A. v. La República del Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2016-10: Timor Sea Conciliation (Timor-Leste v. Australia)
PCA Case No. 2016-08: 1.Manuel García Armas 2.Pedro García Armas 3.Sebastián García Armas 4.Domingo García Armas 5.Manuel García Piñero 6.Margaret García Piñero 7.Alicia García González 8.Domingo García Cámara 9.Carmen García Cámara c. República Bolivariana de Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2016-07: Cairn Energy PLC & Cairn UK Holdings Limited v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2016-06: Consorcio Sogeosa-Tilmon (Costa Rica) c. El Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
PCA Case No. 2016-03: D. v. Energy Community
PCA Case No. 2015-42: Arbitration under the Timor Sea Treaty (Timor-Leste v. Australia)
PCA Case No. 2015-40: Indian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited (India) v. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia
PCA Case No. 2015-37: Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Philippines) v. Republic of the Philippines
PCA Case No. 2015-36: Everest Estate LLC et al. v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2015-35: (i) Stabil LLC, (ii) Rubenor LLC, (iii) Rustel LLC, (iv) Novel-Estate LLC, (v) PII Kirovograd-Nafta LLC, (vi) Crimea-Petrol LLC, (vii) Pirsan LLC, (viii) Trade-Trust LLC, (ix) Elefteria LLC, (x) VKF Satek LLC,(xi) Stemv Group LLC v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2015-34: PJSC Ukrnafta v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2015-32: Stans Energy Corp. and Kutisay Mining LLC v. The Kyrgyz Republic
PCA Case No. 2015-29: (1) Limited Liability Company Lugzor, (2) Limited Liability Company Libset, (3) Limited Liability Company Ukrinterinvest, (4) Public Joint Stock Company DniproAzot, (5) Limited Liability Company Aberon Ltd v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2015-28: The 'Enrica Lexie' Incident (Italy v. India)
PCA Case No. 2015-17: Indian Potash Limited (India) v. Agriculture Inputs Company Limited (Nepal)
PCA Case No. 2015-13: Mr. Kristian Almås and Mr. Geir Almås v. The Republic of Poland
PCA Case No. 2015-05: 1. Iberdrola, S.A. (España) 2. Iberdrola Energía, S.A.U. (España) c. El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2015-02: Financial Performance Holdings B.V. (the Netherlands) v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2014-38: District Municipality of La Punta (Peru) v. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
PCA Case No. 2014-34: WNC Factoring Limited (United Kingdom) v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2014-33: Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd v. Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde
PCA Case No. 2014-32: 1. EcuadorTLC S.A. (Ecuador) 2. Cayman International Exploration Company S.A. (Panamá) 3. Teikoku Oil Ecuador (Islas Caimán) c. 1. República del Ecuador 2. Secretaría de Hidrocarburos del Ecuador 3. Empresa Pública de Hidrocarburos del Ecuador EP Petroecu
PCA Case No. 2014-30: Mytilineos Holdings S.A. (Greece) v. The Republic of Serbia
PCA Case No. 2014-26: Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS (France) v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2014-24: Consorcio John W. Mcdougall Company Inc. y Dredge & Marine Corporation (U.S.A.) v. El Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (Costa Rica)
PCA Case No. 2014-07: The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (Malta v. São Tomé and Príncipe)
PCA Case No. 2014-02: The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v. Russia)
PCA Case No. 2014-01: Antaris Solar GmbH (Germany) and Dr. Michael Göde (Germany) v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2013-35: (1) Natland Investment Group N.V. (The Netherlands), (2) Capamera Limited (previously Natland Group Limited) (Cyprus), (3) G.I.H.G. Limited (Cyprus), (4) Radiance Energy Holding S.à.r.l. (Luxembourg) v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2013-34: Venezuela US, S.R.L. (Barbados) v. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
PCA Case No. 2013-33: Mattioli Joint Venture v. The Ministry of Water and Energy representing the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PCA Case No. 2013-32: Consta Joint Venture v. Chemin de Fer Djibouto-Ethiopien (the Ethiopian-Djibouti Railway), representing the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Djibouti
PCA Case No. 2013-30: The Atlanto-Scandian Herring Arbitration (The Kingdom of Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands v. The European Union)
PCA Case No. 2013-23: (1) Tenoch Holdings Limited (Cyprus) (2) Mr. Maxim Naumchenko (Russian Federation) (3) Mr. Andrey Poluektov (Russian Federation) v. The Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2013-22: Windstream Energy LLC (U.S.A.) v. The Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2013-19: The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of Philippines v. The People's Republic of China)
PCA Case No. 2013-16: Arbitration under the Timor Sea Treaty (Timor-Leste v. Australia)
PCA Case No. 2013-15: South American Silver Limited (Bermuda) v. The Plurinational State of Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2013-14: Review Panel established under the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean
PCA Case No. 2013-11: The ARA Libertad Arbitration (Argentina v. Ghana)
PCA Case No. 2013-09: CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd., Devas Employees Mauritius Private Limited, and Telcom Devas Mauritius Limited v. Republic of India
PCA Case No. 2013-06: U.S. Steel Global Holdings I B.V. (The Netherlands) v. The Slovak Republic
PCA Case No. 2012-25: Detroit International Bridge Company v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2012-21: Ilya Levitis (United States) v. The Kyrgyz Republic
PCA Case No. 2012-19: St Marys VCNA, LLC v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2012-17: Mesa Power Group LLC (USA) v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2012-16: Murphy Exploration & Production Company - International v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2012-14: The PV Investors v. The Kingdom of Spain
PCA Case No. 2012-13: OAO Gazprom v. The Republic of Lithuania
PCA Case No. 2012-12: Philip Morris Asia Limited (Hong Kong) v. The Commonwealth of Australia
PCA Case No. 2012-10: Merck Sharpe & Dohme (I.A.) LLC v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2012-06: Peter A. Allard (Canada) v. The Government of Barbados
PCA Case No. 2012-05: The Republic of Ecuador v. The United States of America
PCA Case No. 2012-04: Arbitration Between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia
PCA Case No. 2012-02: Copper Mesa Mining Corporation (Canada) v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2012-01: Railway Land Arbitration (Malaysia/Singapore)
PCA Case No. 2011-17: 1. Guaracachi America, Inc. (U.S.A.) & 2. Rurelec plc (United Kingdom) v. Plurinational State of Bolivia
PCA Case No. 2011-03: Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration (Mauritius v. United Kingdom)
PCA Case No. 2011-01: Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration (Pakistan v. India)
PCA Case No. 2010-21: Dunkeld International Investment Limited (Turks & Caicos) v. The Government of Belize
PCA Case No. 2010-20: 1. China Heilongjiang International Economic & Technical Cooperative Corp., 2. Beijing Shougang Mining Investment Company Ltd., and 3. Qinhuangdaoshi Qinlong International Industrial Co. Ltd. v. Mongolia
PCA Case No. 2010-18: British Caribbean Bank Ltd. (Turks & Caicos) v. The Government of Belize
PCA Case No. 2010-17: European American Investment Bank AG v. The Slovak Republic
PCA Case No. 2010-16: Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Bangladesh v. India)
PCA Case No. 2010-13: Dunkeld International Investment Limited (Turks & Caicos) v. The Government of Belize
PCA Case No. 2010-08: Polis Fondi Immobliare di Banche Popolare S.G.R.p.A v. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
PCA Case No. 2009-21: Melvin J. Howard, Centurion Health Corp. & Howard Family Trust v. The Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2009-12: InterTrade Holding GmbH v. The Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2009-11: HICEE B.V. v. The Slovak Republic
PCA Case No. 2008-13: Achmea B.V. (formerly known as “Eureko B.V.”) v. The Slovak Republic
PCA Case No. 2008-07: The Government of Sudan / The Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (Abyei Arbitration)
PCA Case No. 2008-06: 1. TCW Group, Inc. 2. Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. The Dominican Republic
PCA Case No. 2008-03: Vito G. Gallo v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2008-01: Chemtura Corporation (formerly Crompton Corporation) v. Government of Canada
PCA Case No. 2007-07/AA280: Romak S.A. (Switzerland) v. The Republic of Uzbekistan
PCA Case No. 2007-02/AA277: 1. Chevron Corporation and 2. Texaco Petroleum Company v. The Republic of Ecuador
PCA Case No. 2007-01/AA278: 1. Centerra Gold Inc. (Canada) and 2. Kumtor Gold Company (Kyrgyz Republic) v. The Kyrgyz Republic
PCA Case No. 2005-05/AA228: Veteran Petroleum Limited (Cyprus) v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2005-04/AA227: Yukos Universal Limited (Isle of Man) v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2005-03/AA226: Hulley Enterprises Limited (Cyprus) v. The Russian Federation
PCA Case No. 2004-05: Land Reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor (Malaysia v. Singapore)
PCA Case No. 2004-04: Guyana v. Suriname
PCA Case No. 2004-02: Barbados v. Trinidad and Tobago
PCA Case No. 2003-06: The Eurotunnel Arbitration
PCA Case No. 2003-03: Telekom Malaysia Berhad/Government of Ghana
PCA Case No. 2003-02: Iron Rhine Arbitration (Belgium/Netherlands)
PCA Case No. 2002-01: MOX Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom)
PCA Case No. 2001-04: Saluka Investments B.V. v. Czech Republic
PCA Case No. 2001-03: OSPAR Arbitration (Ireland v. United Kingdom)
PCA Case No. 2001-02: Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission
PCA Case No. 2001-01: Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission
PCA Case No. 2000-04: Bank for International Settlements
PCA Case No. 2000-02: The Rhine Chlorides Arbitration concerning the Auditing of Accounts (The Netherlands/France)
PCA Case No. 1999-01: Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom
PCA Case No. 1997-01: Loan Agreement between Italy and Costa Rica
PCA Case No. 1996-04: Sovereignty and Maritime Delimitation in the Red Sea (Eritrea/Yemen)
PCA Case No. 1988-01: Heathrow Airport User Charges
PCA Case No. 1961-01: The Red Crusader Incident (The International Commission of Inquiry between Denmark and Great-Britain regarding the Red Crusader Incident)
PCA Case No. 1955-01: The Steamship Roula
PCA Case No. 1954-01: International Conciliation Commission (France/Switzerland)
PCA Case No. 1937-01: International Conciliation Commission (Denmark/Lithuania)
PCA Case No. 1934-01: Radio Corporation of America v. China
PCA Case No. 1925-01: Island of Palmas (or Miangas) (The Netherlands / The United States of America)
PCA Case No. 1921-02: Loss of the Dutch Steamer Tubantia (International Commission of Inquiry)
PCA Case No. 1921-01: Norwegian Shipowners' Claims (Norway v. United States of America)
PCA Case No. 1918-01: The Steamship Tiger (International Commission of Inquiry)
PCA Case No. 1913-02: Expropriated Religious Properties (Spain, France and Great Britain/Portugal)
PCA Case No. 1913-01: Boundaries in the Island of Timor (The Netherlands v. Portugal)
PCA Case No. 1912-03: The Case of the Tavignano, the Camouna and the Gaulois (International Commission of Inquiry)
PCA Case No. 1912-02: The Carthage (France / Italy)
PCA Case No. 1912-01: French Postal Vessel "Manouba"
PCA Case No. 1910-03: Arrest and Return of Savarkar (France / Great Britain)
PCA Case No. 1910-02: Russian Claim for Interest on Indemnities (Russia / Turkey)
PCA Case No. 1910-01: Canevaro claim (Italy / Peru)
PCA Case No. 1909-02: The Orinoco Steamship Company case (United States of America / Venezuela)
PCA Case No. 1909-01: The North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Case (Great Britain / United States of America)
PCA Case No. 1908-02: Deserters of Casablanca (France/Germany)
PCA Case No. 1908-01: The Grisbådarna Case
PCA Case No. 1904-02: The Dogger Bank Case (The International Commission of Inquiry between Great Britain and Russia arising out of the North Sea Incident)
PCA Case No. 1904-01: Muscat Dhows (France / Great Britain)
PCA Case No. 1903-01: Preferential Treatment of Claims of Blockading Powers against Venezuela (Germany, Great Britain and Italy v. Venezuela)
PCA Case No. 1902-02: Japanese House Tax (Germany, France, and Great Britain / Japan)
PCA Case No. 1902-01: The Pious Fund of the Californias (The United States of America v. The United Mexican States)
* The PCA is gradually making its historic arbitral awards and related
documents available electronically.